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CubeCart 3.0.14 Released

Al Brookbanks

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One of the new security features in 3.0.13 caused a couple of bugs. This release fixes those bugs and a few other minor issues.

We have had no choice but to release 3.0.14 which fixes them and a couple of other very minor issues but provided an archive of just the changed files to make upgrade easier for some of you. Upgrade is not essential but recommended.

Upgrade Instructions:


| IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 3.0.13 - 3.0.14


a. Take a FULL backup of the database and site files.

b. Download the archive of changed files from 3.0.13 attached to this forum post.

Upload these files over the ones on the server.

If your store is heavily modified follow the change log in the changelog folder of the 3.0.14 archive instead.

c. Your store should have been upgraded.


| IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 3.0.x - 3.0.14


a. Take a FULL backup of the database and site files.

b. Upload every file from the uploads folder over your existing files with exception to the ones listed below:




c. You then need to run the upgrade.php scripts (if there are any). To do this you need to know which version you were running previously. Have a look in the /upgrade/scripts/ folder to see if there are any relevant ones. If so start with the oldest one and copy it to the root folder of your store. Run this file in your browser and follow the on screen instructions. Repeat this process overwriting each upgrade.php script at a time until there are no more.

e.g. http://www.example.com/store/upgrade.php

d. Your store should have been upgraded.

e. You may need to reapply any modifications you have made.


| Upgrade complete.


Thanks goes to Convict for his support with this.


Edited by Al
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