Google Merchant Centre Feed

Developer Havenswift Hosting
License Commercial
Compatibility CubeCart v6
Date Added 22nd Jul 2016, 17:50
Last Updated 21st May 2019, 16:49
Downloads 1,586




This plugin replaces the current "Google Base" plugin with a greatly enhanced version that adds extra functionality and also fixes several key problems. Key functional changes are :

* Optional choice of creating an XML feed rather than the standard text version

* The ability to select products that should be excluded from the feed to deal with feed disapproval for policy violations

* Fixes problems for stores that hold product prices without tax where Google requires the export to include tax within the exported price

* Correctly selects the barcode based on which fields (GTIN, ISBN, EAN, UPC, JAN etc) are completed based on store location (see below)

* Correctly sets the "identifier_exists" attribute based on whether the correct identifiers are set which the current plugin doesnt do correctly

* Product Identifiers - Google currently has three different product identifiers and details can be seen here for specific requirements. For the GTIN attribute, Google only requires one from the following list : GTIN, ISBN, UPC or JAN. The module uses the following rules to decide which identifier to send

If the ISBN field has been populated it will always be sent ahead of any other identifiers.

If the ISBN is not defined, the module then checks which country your store is in. If your store is in Japan the JAN number is selected if it has a value. If your store is in Europe the EAN number is selected if it has a value. If your store is in USA, the UPC number is selected if it has a value.

If no identifier has been selected the module will fall back to using whatever is defined in the GTIN field.

Google have stated that they will be changing / enhancing their product feeds and this plugin will be constantly updated with all requirements

Free Trial

A seven day FREE trial is available so you can test this using full functionality in your store - even though this is a commercial plugin, you can now download it without paying and the installation will automatically activate the seven day trial and then if you want to purchase, order it from this same page when you will be provided with a licence code to continue using it after the seven day trial.

System Requirements

All Havenswift Hosting plugins require ionCube to be installed on the server - please ensure that you download the correct version of the plugin for the PHP version / version of ionCube installed on your hosting account. The plugin also requires a licence code which will be sent to the email address of the purchaser shortly after the payment has been confirmed.  The licence code allows the plugin to be used on a single domain and includes full support and access to any available upgrades for one year from purchase.

Change Log

1.5 Minor bug fix with zero value sale_price amounts under certain conditions

1.4 Fixed compatability issue introduced in core V6.2 CubeCart and added support for Google Merchant Reviews

1.3 Additional enhancements to xml feed

1.2 Bug fix when doing xml feed plus several small compatibility changes caused by changes introduced by Google

1.1 Added ability to exclude products from feed

1.0 Initial version


Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.

Ref: 8/304