Smartarget Telegram - Contact Us

Developer Smartarget
License Free
Compatibility CubeCart v6 CubeCart v5
Date Added 10th Nov 2020, 10:28
Last Updated 11th Nov 2020, 10:25
Downloads 296



Improve User Engagement With Telegram - Contact  Us

Make it easy for your site visitors to contact you through their mobile phones with click-to-call, Telegram Message,  from anywhere on your website.

Telegram – Contact Us which allows you to communicate with your customers easily. It is designed specifically for the Cubecart community.

Use our communication features and allow your users to contact you easily by Telegram, Phone and more.

Check the Demo page to see how it work!

Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.

Ref: 411/471