Zendesk Live Chat with customer and basket data

Developer CubeCart
License Free
Compatibility CubeCart v6 CubeCart v5
Date Added 1st Aug 2017, 09:53
Last Updated 30th Jun 2020, 16:23
Downloads 2,073


  • Zendesk_Chat-2.0.0.zip
  • Zendesk_Chat-1.0.1.zip
  • Zendesk_Chat-1.0.0.zip

This extension for Zendesk live chat (formerly known as Zopim) provides the agent with all the standard livechat functionality but also shows the basket items in real time in the visitor notes. It also automatically updates the customers name, email address and phone number once known. Please see the screenshots for examples. 

Engage directly with your customers and increase conversions with Zendesk

All source code is available without the need for Ioncube.

Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.


1.0.1 - Fixed a bug with incorrect login
2.0.0 - Allows support for full HTML i settings converting old site ID to code.

Ref: 1/392