Attached Documents

Developer Havenswift Hosting
License Commercial
Compatibility CubeCart v6
Date Added 15th Nov 2017, 15:00
Last Updated 21st May 2019, 16:55
Downloads 1,818


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This plugin allows store owners to upload and associate files with customer accounts, specific orders and manufacturers.  You can restrict the types of files that can be uploaded by modifying the "Allowed File Extension" setting to add or remove certain file extensions as required.

Files may be attached to customer accounts when being edited by selecting the "Documents" tab. Files attached to customer accounts can also be linked with orders if required, and this is done from the order edit/create screens.

Files may be attached to orders during manual order creation or when editing an existing order. If creating a new order, after selecting an existing customer account in the billing tab, if documents exist for that customer, they are displayed in the Documents tab. You can then select documents to associate with the order. When editing an existing order, you can browse linked files, or link new documents from the customer account. You can also upload files directly to the order. Files uploaded directly to orders are only visible within that order.

Files may be attached to Manufacturers whilst editing an existing manufacturer. Documents attached to Manufacturers are only visible when editing the same manufacturer.

Files attached to customers and orders can optionally be made visible to the associated customer. If a customer account has customer visible attachments, the customer has a new option to review attachments and download attachments via their customer account. If orders include customer visible attachments, a button appears on the order overview screen which will take the customer to a page to review and download attachments.

As with all our plugins and skins, this plugin comes with one year of support and access to upgrades included in the price - the renewal of this will be automatically invoiced which is not required for the plugin to continue working but if not renewed then no further support or upgrades will be available. The CubeCart language system is fully used so the plugin is fully multi-lingual.

Free Trial

A seven day FREE trial is available so you can test this using full functionality in your store - even though this is a commercial plugin, you can now download it without paying and the installation will automatically activate the seven day trial and then if you want to purchase, order it from this same page when you will be provided with a licence code to continue using it after the seven day trial.

System Requirements

All Havenswift Hosting plugins require ionCube to be installed on the server - please ensure that you download the correct version of the plugin for the PHP version / version of ionCube installed on your hosting account. The plugin also requires a licence code which will be sent to the email address of the purchaser shortly after the payment has been confirmed.  The licence code allows the plugin to be used on a single domain and includes full support and access to any available upgrades for one year from purchase.

Change Log

1.1 Initial version available on the Extension Marketplace

Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.

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