Dashboard Widgets and Advanced Reports

Developer Noodleman
License Commercial
Compatibility CubeCart v6
Date Added 17th Jun 2015, 18:48
Last Updated 20th Mar 2023, 12:54
Downloads 4,240


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  • 1.0.7_advanced_reports_PHP8.1.zip
  • 1.0.7_advanced_reports_PHP7.4.zip
  • 1.0.6_advanced_reports_PHP7.2_and_above.zip
  • 1.0.6_advanced_reports_PHP7.1_and_above.zip
  • 1.0.6_advanced_reports_PHP5.6_and_above.zip

This plugin is only supported in CubeCart version 6.0.4 and higher.

Dashboard Widgets and Advanced Reports plugin is an exciting new plugin which allows you to add widgets to your admin dashboard as well as adding enhanced reports. There are a number of predefined dashboard widgets to choose from, simply pick the ones you wish to be displayed on your dashboard.


  • Requires no CubeCart code edits.
  • Adds custom widgets to your store admin dashboard
  • A custom sales report allows for a better overview of your sales performance between your defined date ranges
  • Configure the starting date range for your widget statistics
  • This module will grow over time with more reports and widgets. If you would like a specific report  feature or widget adding please open a support ticket, it will be added in an update

Every plugin from Noodleman is available to try before you buy. Simply install the module and a 1 week trial starts. Within the trial period all features of the module are available for evaluation. Should you decide to continue to use the module after the trial has expired you will require a valid license key

Every plugin from Noodleman includes a subscription to "Support & Maintenance" which entitles you to quality support services via the support portal as well as entitlement to upgrade to any new releases of the plugin.

Full details of support & maintenance services can be found here:

Ever purchased a plugin, only to be concerned that a new version of CubeCart will break it? No need to worry with plugins from Noodleman as frequent updates are released to ensure compatability with updated versions of CubeCart


When purchasing this module you are purchasing a license key which can be used to unlock the modules functionality permanently in line with your support & maintenance agreement. A license key will be provided to you which is valid for your stores domain. Licenses are issued on a per domain basis. Should you wish to use the module on multiple stores you will require multiple licenses. License keys can be migrated between domains if required. License keys will be sent via e-mail shortly after any purchase.


I (Noodleman) pride myself on the quality of support I provide to my customers and feel strongly that any product is only as good as it's support. I resolve all issues promptly and issue an update to any module if required. Support isn't just about resolving issues... Support is also there to assist you get the most from your modules and help you should you need assistance with configuration or have general questions. I also take feature requests very seriously, should you feel that a feature is lacking from this, or any of my modules please let me know! I've honoured almost every enhancement request since I started writing modules for CubeCart, it adds value to  my software and to those people who use my software. Support is there to work with you, not just be somebody to turn to if something is broken..

Support tickets can be opened using the support portal which is found:

Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.

All documentation is self contained within the module within the "Install Guide" tab.


Dashboard Widgets and Advanced Reports
Version Released Link  
All versions pre 1.0.6 removed. contact support for downloads.
1.0.6 19th June 2017 1.0.6_advanced_reports_PHP5.5_and_lower.zip



Release Notes
1.0.7 20th March 2023 1.0.7_advanced_reports_PHP7.4.zip

Release Notes

Ref: 173/210