Duplicate (cc or bcc) or block sending of order emails

Developer Havenswift Hosting
License Commercial
Compatibility CubeCart v6
Date Added 6th Apr 2021, 11:44
Downloads 138


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  • Duplicate_CubeCart_Emails_1.1_php7.2_to_7.4.zip

This plugin allows you to define one or more email addresses that will receive copies of any CubeCart order related emails that are sent and it is possible to configure whether this is done via a cc or bcc.  This is used where you want to send admin emails to an address that isnt setup as an admin but also to send bcc emails to third party organisations such as Trust Pilot.   

You also have the option of blocking certain types of emails - the admin Order Received email and for customers it is possible to choose to block Processing, Complete, Declined, Failed Fraud Review and Cancelled.

As with all our plugins and skins, this plugin comes with one year of support and access to upgrades included in the price - the renewal of this will be automatically invoiced. The CubeCart language system is fully used so the plugin is fully multi-lingual.

This plugin is supported on CubeCart V6 and ionCube is required on the server

V1.1 First version available on extension marketplace

Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.

Ref: 8/483