By Weight

Developer CubeCart
License Free
Compatibility CubeCart v6 CubeCart v5
Date Added 17th Sep 2014, 10:18
Downloads 2,527



This module will calculate shipping by weight based on countries and specific weight bands. You can set countries to specific zones and then create shipping rates based on weight bands. 

e.g. Zone 1: US,CA with shipping as $3.00 up to 2Lbs and $5.00 between 2Lbs and 5 Lbs.

The "All in One Shipping Module" takes this to the next level if you require further flexibility drilling right down to post/zip code and option to set price based on weight or basket total. 


Auto Install/Upgrade

Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.

Manual Install

  1. Click the download icon () next to the package you wish to download.
  2. Extract the package to your computer.
  3. Upload the main folder to the modules/shipping folder.
  4. It may be necessary to clear your store cache before it shows in the admin control panel of your store. This can be done from the "Rebuild" tab of the "Maintenance" area. Select "Clear cache" the click the submit button.

Ref: 1/95