Auto Install/Upgrade
Click the thunderbolt () icon next to the package you wish to use for instructions.
Manual Install
- Click the download icon () next to the package you wish to download.
- Extract the package to your computer.
- Upload the main folder to the modules/shipping folder.
- It may be necessary to clear your store cache before it shows in the admin control panel of your store. This can be done from the "Rebuild" tab of the "Maintenance" area. Select "Clear cache" the click the submit button.
1.0.1 - Error logging enabled
1.0.2 - Check for SOAP
1.0.3 - Fixed typo on "International Priority"
1.0.4 - Relaxed errors to prevent blocks
1.0.5 - Support for RateRequest v22, improved code foratting and debug tools. Big thanks to bhsmither.
Ref: 1/97